Stone Age Brain in a Modern World...

When Evolution is Outpaced...

Because human nature was designed a certain way to meet the challenges of prehistoric life, and controlling a particular reaction is more difficult if it involves an evolutionary-designed system.

Knowing we are working against a millions of years of evolution helps us understand why our human nature sometimes leads us to behave in ways that aren't always in our best interest.

If we can manage our aggressive impulses and overreaction in face of fear, we can control our eating within limits.

(More to come...)


If you go back to the point where the genetic lineage that led to our closest modern relatives, the chimps and bonobos, we are talking about a span of six million years or more. Over that six million years only in the past ten thousand years, have we had anything resembling civilization with agriculture and settled communities. 

Biologists largely agree that our brains have not changed much, if at all, in the short span of time, that human beings have been lived in civilized communities. We have essentially the same brain that our prehistorical ancestors had, during the stone age. We are literally living in a modern world with a stone age brain. This helps to explain behaviors that are part of human nature but that are not beneficial to many people today.

From past postings:

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